Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Eta Nu Sigma Chapter Brooklyn Alumnae

In 1993, nine distinguished young women sought out a sisterhood at Hofstra University. Not satisfied with what Hofstra had to offer at the time, they decided to broaden their search to find an organization with purpose, sisterhood, and a commitment to service. These women found Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. and after the organization surpassed their expectations, the Nu Tau chapter was chartered on December 11, 1993.
Since being chartered, the Nu Tau chapter has dedicated years of service to enrich the Hofstra community. With the support of Eta Nu Sigma, our graduate chapter located in Brooklyn and Queens, we’re looking forward to continuing the legacy that’s over 20 years in the making.
For further membership advisory, contact Soror Fatou Gueye for Hofstra University HERE.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc
Nu Tau Chapter, Hofstra University

About the Nu Tau Chapter