Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Eta Nu Sigma Chapter Brooklyn Alumnae

Why Sigma? Is it For Me?
Learn about the Sigma Family and different types of membership.
Eta Nu Sigma Chapter is actively seeking new members. Interested women should have a sincere willingness to serve their respective communities. Advantages of membership include joining a collective community of intelligent, dedicated women that make a difference. To find out more about what makes Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. different and the sorority of choice for women of substance, please click HERE Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated.
Alumnae Membership
For transferring and returning Sorors, we warmly welcome you to join our activities and community service. For further membership advisory, contact Soror Frances Bates HERE.
We offer membership on the graduate level to those women who have achieved a bachelors' degree from an accredited four-year institution. Interested women should contact the membership chairperson of Eta Nu Sigma Chapter to express their interest. The membership chairperson will then forward a letter of introduction, list of chapter events, and articles which have highlighted the programs and events we have done in the Brooklyn community. Since one's interest can be exhibited in a variety of ways, we highly recommend interested women to attend informational teas, programs, and social events conducted by Eta Nu Sigma. As there are no set calendars for intake, interested women can express their interest and begin to make their acquaintance with chapter members at any time. For further membership advisory, contact Soror Frances Bates HERE.
Undergraduate Membership
Candidates may be accepted for undergraduate membership after successfully completing one quarter, semester, or trimester. The cumulative grade point average required for membership is 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale). All membership intake initiatives are subjective to comply with your academic institution's policies. For further membership advisory, contact Soror Fatou Gueye for Hofstra University HERE, Soror Angelique John at Brooklyn College HERE, and Soror Lorraine Cadogan-Cochrane for SUNY Old Westbury and Queens College HERE.
Affiliate Clubs - Philo and Rhoers
The Philo Club is a collective of women who have not matriculated to college that join us in our community service and other activities. They are a nationally organized group with chapters nationwide who convene at their own regional and national meetings during the official conventions of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
The Rhoer Club is a nationally organized club for young ladies from ages 12 - 17 years of age that receive training to be young women and experience a Rites of Passage Program. For further membership advisory, contact Soror Felicia Richards HERE or click here to visit Eta Nu Sigma's Rhoer Club page.
I joined Sigma Gamma Rho as an undergraduate member and after graduating I became inactive soon after. I recently decided to become an active member after being inactive for over 10 years because I want to be able to do the work of Sigma that I originally joined the organization to do. That is to support the women and children in our community. Now that I am an educator, I feel I can use my knowledge and experience to educate those around me and help improve their quality of life.
"I returned to Sigma because I knew I made a lifetime commitment, and I wanted to honor the pledge I just so happened to make 7 years ago. I also want to help the chapter, and by extension, the Sorority flourish by bringing in ideas I believe are fresh and new."