Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Eta Nu Sigma Chapter Brooklyn Alumnae

Who is Jayne K. Campbell?
Jayne K. Cambell was born February 23, 1916 in Muncie, Indiana. She received her BA in Sociology from Loyola University (Chicago) while working full-time as a furrier, at a hospital, and at various social agencies. Soror Campbell moved to Harlem, NYC in 1955 where she worked as a Social Worker at The Red Cross of Queens, and then at Presbyterian Hospital. She worked as a Medical Social Worker with the NYC Department of Welfare, primarily serving the Brownsville and East New York communities in Brooklyn. In 1963, she earned her Master's of Social Work from New York University. Upon the passing of her husband, Fred Campbell, Soror Campbell led her family business for four years, after which she returned to her profession as a Medical Social Worker for the Bureau of Child Welfare in Human Resources Administration, from which she retired in 1989. Soror Jayne Campbell passed away in February 2008, leaving a legacy of activism and support for the most vulnerable of NYC residents. She generously bequeathed a large endowment to the chapter, after she passed. To honor her legacy, the JKC committee and scholarship were established shortly after that. (Excerpt from her Obituary)
What is the Jayne K. Campbell Committee ?
The JKC Committee’s mission is to combat homelessness and mental illness and empowering individuals towards entrepreneurship and education.
We serve as one of the philanthropic arms of the Eta Nu Sigma Chapter, specifically related to supporting 501c3 organizations that serve residents of NYC (mainly Brooklyn as well as Queens, in honor of Soror Campbell) ages 18 and up. Over the years, the JKC has partnered with the Jamaica YMCA, Coalition for the Homeless (CFTH), Thrive NYC, and more.
The committee hosts virtual Mental Health Awareness and Entrepreneurship Workshops. We also host quarterly clothing and accessories drives. And several committee members serve as Job Coaches (Mentors) to women in the CFTH’s First Step Job Training program, a program geared towards work-readiness and career reframing.
Additionally, we provide an annual scholarship Soror Campbell’s Legacy and in line with our mission to a deserving undergraduate or graduate student. For details and to access the 2024 scholarship, click here: https://forms.gle/N9hWQzTzFTedATnQ9
The submission deadline is on Friday, March 15, 2024.
Chairwoman: Soror Isabel C. Chatelain
Contact: JKCChairwoman@etanusigma.org
Check back often to see what the Jayne K. Campbell Committee is doing!